What We Do
ETMP’s practice and approach is embedded in Adaptive Leadership Theory, Transformational Leadership Principles and Strength Based Practice. ETMP creates a safe learning environment where development and change opportunity is maximised. Through real simulations, case in point scenarios and experiential techniques; individuals are called on to self-reflect and grow their emotional intelligence. By uncovering defaults and unearthing learned patterns, lessons are captured, and resilience is co-created with the learner. This results in epiphany moments of illumination for the participants; whereby the learning application is immediate, the relevancy is immediate and individuals and teams obtain the hard fought for rewards of personal change and collective growth.
Why We Do It
ETMP believes in the power of positive change. ETMP believes every person deserves the opportunity to grow. We have a passion to see individuals succeed and are dedicated to inspiring others to take the courageous journey of intentional growth. We believe in challenging individuals and teams to question and provoke their prevailing attitudes and behaviours and to become comfortable with the uncomfortable truths which lead to positive change.
How We Do It
ETMP encourages people to take the path of empowerment and accept the personal responsibility of choosing their own responses and decisions in life. We choose to serve because we believe all people want to be better than they were yesterday and be greater than their collective fears. Therefore, we create safe and respectful spaces for individuals to discover deep truths and make slight or quantum shifts in their personal or professional lives. As a Team, ETMP are driven to serve through inspiring, challenging and empowering others.
ETM Perspectives is in the business of people development and of behavioural change whereby excellence is the constant endeavour of walking towards ones fears to overcome all defaults and barriers; whether internal or external. We invite individuals and teams to engage in and be accountable for their personal learning journey. To do the work that personal development demands. We provide the environment for vulnerability and trust to flourish which then enables authenticity. This in turn drives paradigm shifts of change.
Through real life simulations, underpinned by solid change and leadership theory; experiential learning takes place. This learning is revealed within the group and uncovered whereby exposure leads to a decision. The decision to change and grow or to continue doing the same thing and thereby get the same results. We know at ETMP, that by providing practical learning opportunities, the personal lessons are revealed through reflection and individuals, families, communities and organisations will benefit.
ETM Perspectives chooses to live the very lessons they seek to reveal in others. We ourselves, choose to not only facilitate and train the theory and practice of personal leadership and change; but rather we choose to be the curriculum ourselves. ETMP therefore experiences daily the lessons which provoke and challenge, surrendering to a process which they invite others to be part of.
ETMP values the dignity of humankind by embracing the diversity of any given individual or group; their emotions, knowledge, skills, lived experience, culture, attitudes, behaviours, opinions and personal voice. We value the uniqueness of the individual along with the power of collective effort. We value l and the newness of discovery in a change of lens. We value diversity in presentation or expression. We value vulnerability and courage. Whether it be emotional or intellectual. ETMP values the voice; whether it be quiet and meek or bold and commanding. We value stretch points, thoughtful disagreement and challenge. ETMP values and respects the special uniqueness of every individual and the sacredness of a learning space.
Our I.C.E Motto
“ETMP believes that to INSPIRE goes beyond a warm and fuzzy feeling. To be inspired is a call to action that demands my purposeful behaviour to sustain the journey. It asks me to be intentional in what I do, how I do it and why I do it.”
“ETMP believes that there is no growth without CHALLENGE. To challenge is a call to action which asks me to confront the status quo and prevailing attitudes and behaviours. It invites me to question my systems and processes, walk towards my fears and expand my comfort zones.”
“ETMP believes that to EMPOWER is to create true ownership. It invites me to be responsible for my personal choice. It asks me to hold myself accountable for my actions. It provides with a deep personal satisfaction of knowing I own decisions I make.”
Our Values
Be Real. Stay True. No mask required. We value who you are.
Lived Experience
Our lived experience is all we have, and it is what we bring into the learning and development space. Good or bad, weak or strong, hurt or healed; this is what we bring. It cannot be ignored or dismissed in you or in me. We live, we learn, we share our lived experience; and value it.
Story Telling
Everyone has a story to tell. We connect to one another through story. We value story telling because it is what crosses the great divide and unites us as one. We learn from from each others’ stories and we pass these learnings on. We value storytelling.
We value risk because it is born out of safety and bravery. To be adventurous need not be grand or loud, but sometimes could be but a small timid step into the unknown when we are afraid. Yes, we value risk.
We create safety because this is where we grow trust. Safety in relationship.
We are born out of struggle. Shifts and change comes from struggle. It is the noble path or the stumbling determination of the imperfect human, to find a higher way, that we value. We struggle every day in the little things because we strive for excellence and not perfection. We value struggle.
Change and growth does not happen by chance, but through intentional responsibility and accountability underpinned by supportive processes and mechanisms. I commit to the task at hand, to walk in step with my word and my values, then I am intentional. We decide what is important, we focus and then we act. Intentionality is sticking to your word when no one is watching and seeking private victories in the little things. Only then can we achieve. We value intentionality.