ABS Health Surveys
– Have Your Say

Last year, the Australian government announced a new health study called the Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS). The IHMHS will run over three years from late 2020 to 2023 and comprise surveys of health, nutrition and physical activity, and an optional biomedical survey. Similar to the Australian Health Survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 2011-13, the IHMHS will provide an opportunity to measure Australia’s health, including providing a picture of the health and wellbeing of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The results will be useful in helping to inform policy, services and programs supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to live healthier lives.
We are hosting a series of online workshops and delivering an online self-paced consultation package for people who aren’t able to attend a workshop.
We also have an online survey on the ABS website that you can complete at any time.
We need your participation to help us shape the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander components of the IHMHS. We want to hear from you about things like what information should be collected, and how it should be collected to ensure the surveys are culturally appropriate. There are three broad topics we want to discuss and we will be hosting separate sessions for each topic:
Would you like to give Online Feedback?

Are you ready?
If you want to know more please contact coeatsis@abs.gov.au